October 26, 2011

this is some hippie bullshit...

You were probably wondering where your favorite misanthrope was while this latest hippie bullshit du jour was going on. I was where all of the people who were occupying Wall Street weren’t: at work. Honestly, I was hoping it would just pass and I could ignore it, but it seems to be picking up some steam, and this has put the pen back in my hand. This is the logical  illogical progression to the previous Tax The Rich movement of a few months ago.
Like most hippie bullshit the goal is unclear but the enemy is omnipotent. For people who need a movement to follow behind, the best ones are those that will never end. What exactly do the 99% want? I’m not totally sure but I think they want the 1 percent’s money, preferably directly but more realistically filtered through the government.
A friend pointed me to a rather hilarious website today called WE ARE THE 99 PERCENT. This sheds some light on the wants of the 99% from the 1%.
Here is an example photo from this site of many photos like this with transcriptions underneath:
In this photo above you see a woman who was allegedly impregnated 5 times by one of the 1%ers, forced into a mortgage and is actively being snubbed by landlords.  I don’t mean to be unsympathetic or glib, because I really do feel for this woman on a human level, but I can’t imagine that this pitiful attitude is helping her or her 5 (!!) children.
  • How does she know that no landlords will rent to her?
  • Why is she looking at renting if she hasn’t been evicted yet?
  • Surely she can work some job?
  • Certainly there are government programs for a single woman with 5 children.
  • In a sense though, and I mean this compassionately, what message does it send to people like this if we blame the rich 1% for this woman’s impressive series of missteps?
  • Why does she think it’s their fault?
  • What help could this woman be given that would give her lift off and not just encourage her to make more mistakes or wallow in the rubble of her missteps?
Here are the wants of the above 99 percenter:
  • To not be fed lies
  • For her degree to find her a job
  • To not be in debt, depressed or struggling
  • No more unpaid internships
  • Not live at parents house
  • Stability
  • To not worry everyday
  • To have been foretold that life would be this way (difficult)
Seems reasonable. Let’s move to the next one.
Above is a man who doesn’t realize that there is no debtor’s jail and he can simply stop paying his credit card and save the cash. Of course that would mean that he wouldn’t be entitled to more credit cards (pretty good thing actually for someone who is broke) that charge him high interest rates which is probably why he doesn’t do what I just suggested. Also he’s not wearing any pants.
Former Idaho Senator Larry Craig upset about situations that i’m 100% certain didn’t happen overnight. There’s a tube of Elmer’s glue on the couch behind him. He looks like the type that likes the taste of glue from time to time.
This is a common thread and the irony is appalling: people angry that they paid a lot of money for an education and aren’t being paid corporate salaries to pay off their loans. Again, like credit card man above this chick should forget about that debt and start living. Smile, you just got a free $75,000 education. People in other countries who must have money to go to college would gladly step into your shoes, except they probably wouldn’t pick the dumb major that you did.
More education bubble woes. I’d wager that her “dream degree” was not in English. How is it the rich 1 percent to blame that she chose a degree that is not in demand? Having a child seemed like a great idea for a graduating senior?
This just in: students are usually poor and must make sacrifices for 4 years in order to get an education.  Up next: boiling water is hot.
Below this photo was this information supplied by the lady in the photo:
With no choice by to work for my mothers business, I have given up all hope in pursuing my dream. I never thought I’d be in this situation at my age. My parents moved here from Pakistan and had me and my brothers here in America hoping to raise their children in a better economy with opportunities and fulfilling dreams. But all we have gotten is grief and struggle. If we all stand together, we can change it all!!! NYer’s join me and MoveOn.org on Wednesday October 5th at City Hall Downtown Manhattan, for a march to stand for OUR dreams!!!
Poor girl has to work for her mothers business— wha what? Her mother’s business? Hoping for  better economy and opportunities and fulfilling dreams?  Wait, so the Wall Street guys don’t want a better economy? They like a shitty and volatile stock market? Oh my god this is maddening.
Ok i’m done.
The really frightening part of this is that all of this is just pure and simple envy. Sure there’s a lot of rich people in this country and sure they do evil rich people stuff sometimes, but every single one of these pictures are like examples of exactly what not to do. These people are mad that they have student loan debt without considering how fucking lucky they are that in this country you don’t need to be rich to go to college. The economy sucks because of the stupid mistakes of these exact types of people, not Wall Street.  These people felt entitled to a house and easy credit they only planned to pay off if they sold their house for twice what they paid for it. Too bad everyone had this idea and nobody was able to sell anything or pay back anything.
$30,000 in credit card debt? At $20,000 did it occur to them to stop using the credit card? This is insane that this type of thinking is considered some kind of progress.

October 21, 2011

...and the pussification of america continues...

Listen you want to fuck with Columbus Day be my guest. I don’t give a shit about Christopher Columbus. Rape him in the ass for all I care. But Halloween? You’re not letting kids dress up for Halloween? Well now you just lost all credibility as a human and need to be fired. Halloween is the least offensive holiday in the history of holidays. How anybody could have an axe to grind with Halloween is beyond me. I mean connections to witchcraft? I don’t even know what that means? Seriously what does that mean? That letting kids dress up promotes black magic? That the witch community is offended? I honestly don’t get it. Unfortunately I’m not surprised though. Every fucking day we got a new “educator” who has no grip on reality trying to impose their wacko personal views on their students and we just sit around and let it happen. We literally have psychopaths running our schools. You want to talk scary. That’s scary.

It just gets more and more amazing doesn’t it? These people need to get their heads out of their ass and stop acting like they’re on to some new concept. EVERYWHERE you look in the history of humankind you find torture, murder and countless atrocities. I doubt there is a culture or nation that has ever existed on planet earth that’s exempt from that. Violence and insanity are part of the nature of humans. Oh, and as Principal Foley is a perfect example–we humans are also sometimes really, utterly stupid, idiotic imbeciles, not to mention this one is a huge BITCH.

What must it have been like when public schools were first established in the colonies in, oh, wait, wasn’t it in Boston? Those dang New England Puritans! And oh, up until the late 1800s, the primary book that most Americans learned to read from, wasn’t it, yeah, the Holy Bible? Now haven’t those facts freaked out this parochial, prejudiced principal yet?

you can read the article here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2049560/School-principal-bans-Fall-holidays-insensitive.html

October 18, 2011

♥ new music tuesday: coldplay of course

It is no secret what a huge COLDPLAY fan I am. I first saw them live at the PNC Bank Arts Center with my fabulous friend Priscilla and ever since i have been a hardcore dedicated fan.

ColdPlay Concert @ PNC 2oo5
vannessa, keith, priscilla, & me <3
It must be said that I wouldn’t normally write a review of any album until I’d listened to it multiple times. I’m making a huge exception here for a couple of reasons. First, I’ve heard most of the songs on the album many times because Coldplay has been playing them at festivals. Second, I’m so familiar with their catalog that I feel pretty assured sharing my opinions on this album, in generalities at the very least. Finally, how many times am I going to get to do this? Like, none, and I really want to share this info with other excited Coldplay fans. So, without further ado, here’s my review of Mylo Xyloto (in stores Oct. 24, 2011).
Mylo Xyloto 2011
Mylo Xyloto opens with the song of the same name, a tinkly, sparkling piano and xylophone track, a short musical introduction. Coldplay has also been opening their festival shows with this, and as in their live performances, on the album “MX” breezes seamlessly into the guitar-driven “Hurts Like Heaven.” ”Hurts Like Heaven” is a poppy number with ’80s influences (think “Lips Like Sugar“) and a number of terrific cascading riffs from guitarist Jonny Buckland that sound as fresh on the album as they do live. ”HLH”‘s lyrics and Martin’s vocal delivery also give it an urgency that match the guitar work.

One song Coldplay fans have been raving about for months now is the next track “Charlie Brown,” a song that sounds absolutely massive in concert thanks to Buckland’s circuitous, catchy guitar melody and Will Champion’s driving drums. Fans will be pleased to know that the album version is faithful to the live one, and actually, “Charlie Brown” sounds even more affirming on Mylo Xyloto as the production is kept simple and Martin’s voice is loose and fluid.

“M.M.I.X.”, another short instrumental interlude, quickly turns into Coldplay’s huge summer hit “Every Teardrop is a Waterfall” featuring a sample of Peter Allen’s “I Go to Rio.” Much has already been said about “ETIAW,” a divisive track in the Coldplay fan community, but one that I personally enjoy. I mean, I don’t really know what’s not to like about it – it’s fun, the band sounds freer than they ever have, Buckland shines on an incredibly clever guitar riff, Champion pulsates on the drums, and I dig the talk-sing verses. One of my favorite aspects of Martin’s songwriting is how he perfectly encapsulates a sentiment into a simple lyrical line and “ETIAW” is full of examples of that (“I’d rather be a comma than a full stop”). As for the assertion that it’s too “pop”…well I hate to break it to you, but Coldplay’s had songs in the category of pop ever since “Yellow.”

Overall, Mylo Xyloto is bracing and vivid, not overproduced, and balances delicacy and bombast with a steady, assured hand. Coldplay has never been more liberated as a band, even on Viva La Vida where they first dipped into expanding their melodious sound. There’s no sense of that hesitation on MX which sometimes hindered the band in the past, and there are more variations of riffs, more solos, more beats, and more bass than ever before. Martin’s voice has also never sounded more natural and his range never bigger – he sounds terrific throughout. Mylo Xyloto is restless and fast-paced – the type of album that you can absorb listen after listen and hear something new each time. It’s filled with frenetic energy, sonic highs, and heartwrenching ballads; as a loose concept album, it’s absorbing on many levels, and sounds very of-the-moment, something Coldplay has always excelled at.

October 17, 2011

who says girls from BOSTON can't rap ♥

Karmin may not have a single on the radio at the moment, but the pair of 25-year-olds from Brookline, Mass., has a long string of hits. Put it this way, in the whole wide world and history of Hip Hop, there hasn't really been a caucasian word smith that has ever been able to compete with the Twistas, Busta Rhymes' and Tech N9nes, so taking on the pace of Chris Brown's track on a cover is no small task. Yet, after I finally picked my jaw up off the floor, I felt inclined to rave about Amy Heidemann's absolutely on point flow, enunciating every word and hitting every bar flawlessly over the three challenging verses. 

All that to say: I F*CKing LOVE KARMIN ♥ 

October 13, 2011

♥ a fall MUST have

Marc by Marc Jacobs Bianca Cuff - $98
i have fallen in love with this cuff! it is bold and perfect for the fall! definitely worth the money!

October 11, 2011

in response to -postmodernsleaze- ♥

Dear Vera,

My man and I have been dating steadily for 3 months and we've known each other for longer. We've been intimate, I chill with his friends and he hangs with mine. I've met his family (I'm going to a wedding this weekend with him for his cousin). He's told me the reason why he doesn't want to "rush" into something is because his ex destroyed him and he doesn't want to get hurt. He says he knows that when we get into a relationship it will be a long one so he's making sure? But it's driving me crazy that we are still not a couple because we are in a monogamous relationship. It's freaking me out. I trust him, but how much longer should this go on? All I want is to be his formal girlfriend. Just so I don't have to be called a friend anymore, because I feel like so much more. I want to respect his space and thoughts. I just want to know how much longer should this really take?


Dear -postmodernsleaze- aka Nicole,

Doesn't want a title after 3 months? Is he just dating you, or does he not want a title with you and the 3 other HOES he has on the side? Commitment issue or two-timer?

#1 He's not destroyed. Isn't he dating you, sharing things with you emotionally, able to actually talk about his past relationships, which means to me that he has the capability to trust you enough to open up, yes? 
Moving on with a new girl you?
 #2 Is he capable to perform sexually? Did his ex destroy his ability to f*ck you? She didn't perform a Lorena Bobbit on him, did she?

#3 What's destroyed meaning to him? Did his ex destroy his ability to work and be a decent part of society? What did she do? Entrap him with a kid cause he didn't commit ?

#4 He's not that into you! He knows your ass isn't going anywhere. You are being taken for granted.Perhaps he can think about asking you to be his girlfriend while you guys are on a break, oh wait you guys aren't a couple! Tell him what you really think and feel. If he's still not ready GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN !

<3 team veraisbeautygeek