December 29, 2011

why NEW YEAR resolutions suck !

We all do it. We come to a new year with high hopes. We’re going to turn over a new year and take the world by storm – next year. Then, the year goes by. Perhaps there was a momentary burst in activity in January. The obligatory visits to the gym. Maybe write a few more blog posts than usual. But then it settles back into the status quo. Come December and – oh hum – life looks pretty much the same as it did last year. But, dammit, next year…. next year is going to ROCK! This time you mean it! Sound familiar?

The First Problem – Timing

It is completely unnecessary to wait until the calendar year changes over to make changes and do productive things in your life. So, why wait? Time is just a continuous stream of arbitrary nothingness. Seriously, time is really in the eye of the beholder. It is not a fixed quantity. And it keeps going. The fact that the calendar flips from December to January means nothing except for the significance we ourselves assign to it. With that in mind, why wait? If you want to accomplish things in life, for God sakes, don’t put it off until “next year”. Start now!

The Second Problem – Ourselves

When we make resolutions, it is just more shiznit on top of a pile of last year’s shiznit.

In other words, you made goals for yourself. Some of those goals may have failed, but they are still your goals. Here you come with a new year and more goals. Those new goals don’t overwrite the old goals. They just pile on. Yet, we know that those old goals failed. The new goals will probably fail too, right? You know what we say about people who commit the same mistakes over and over again and expect different results, right? That’s right – they’re crazy. So, why do so many people do this every year? Obviously, hoping isn’t enough. Something has to change.

In order to get something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done. Most people are apathetic about New Years Resolutions because of their past failures. And for those people, new years resolutions kinda suck. My viewpoint is that the answer to that is to change something. Do something you’ve never done.

The only person who can REALLY deny you something is yourself. Think about that for a moment. If somebody tells you you can’t do something, what power do they REALLY have? If you really think about it, you’ll find they have no power at all. The only power they have over you is that power you’ve GIVEN them.

So, don’t get reasonable. Take your power back. Do something different than you’ve ever done in order to get different results in 2012.

Next year, resolutions won’t suck. They’ll mean something.