Well folks, I hate to tell you this but terrorism works. You can’t stop people willing to kill others without remorse until they get their way. You can’t compete with that. You’re fucked unless you can find a way to stop their money supply and I am referring to the drug cartels !
But how can you do that? How can you stop the money drug cartels use to buy guns, bullets, rocket launchers, grenades, policemen, judges, lawyers, and politicians?
Drug legalization.
That’s right you fucking pussies. Legalize marijuana, cocaine, heroin, LSD, ecstasy, and mushrooms. Every fucking drug the drug cartel sells should be legal. If grown men and women want to fuck up their health, let them. How can we tell someone how bad snorting cocaine off the back of a stripper’s ass is for their health, when we allow people to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol?
And why should we do this?
Because it takes money out of the drug cartels’ hands. Why would someone pay a creepy old guy hiding in the back of an ally $90 dollars for a quarter of weed when they could go to a well-lit grocery store and buy it for $55? Plus, the government could make money by taxing it. They could turn the nations largest cash crop into a multi-billion dollar industry that would help get us out of this recession/depression.
But it won’t happen. Why? Because the War on Drugs benefits rich white businessmen. State and federal prosecutors, trail lawyers, judges, private prisons, politicians, the DEA, the FBI, the CIA, state and local police. To many people make money off of this war for legalization to help.
They will use the money they’ve stolen to lobby Congress and the White House for tougher drug laws while placing their people on all the major news stations and have them say, “If drugs are made legal, it will be the end of America. People will be so high on PCP and crack cocaine that they’ll storm into your house and ass fuck your wife and daughter. If you don’t have a wife and daughter, they’ll ass fuck you and your son. They’ll ass fuck everybody in your goddamn house. Not even your fucking pets’ buttholes are safe from the ass fucking that’s going to take place in this country if drugs are made legal.”
So I want this shit to continue.
I want the shootouts to spill over into Texas and catch those fucking Minutemen in the cross fire and kill ‘em. I want the violence to spread into New Mexico, Arizona, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Alabama. I want people to cry out to the federal government for help but can’t get any because our soldiers are to busy fightingoverseas in a stupid fucking war.
I want all of this shit to happen and I hope I get to watch it on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News while smoking some weed.