January 10, 2012

haters "gonna" hate

Note: This is a hateful article on hating. Is it acceptable, since I’m directing my hate for good? You tell me.

When you’re not happy with a situation what do you do? Talking about it can be a good start. You might call it complaining…But heck, complaining feels good. We’re all guilty of a good venting session now and then. In fact, it’s healthy to let your feelings out. But what happens when venting and complaining turns into a conversation about hate?

I can’t engage in conversation at the office without hearing someone talk shit about another person within the first few minutes. Myself included. So what’s with the open hating? Isn’t this the sort of thing we used to do behind closed doors and only to our closest and most precious friends?

Turning on the radio or reading the news has become a painful, mood killer. Every day people are going off on anyone who thinks differently than they do. As if an opinion on a matter has just become a religion that must be defended to the death.

Blame reality shows, tabloids or the internet, but it comes down to a personal choice. Saying something hateful for the sake of hating is only putting destruction into the world.

Can’t we agree to disagree? Silence is the best answer? The Golden Rule: If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all? Any of these ring a bell?

What happened to our class? If Snob was on one end of the spectrum and Evil Monkey was on the other, where do you think we would be?

All I’m saying, is there is an awful lot of hateful things being said, whether regarding politics, religion, or personal opinions on (fill in the blank). I’m not perfect. I can be a mean and hateful bitch. But I plan on making a conscious effort this year, starting today, to have a little class. To take the higher road. To understand that though I may not agree with others all the time, I can agree to disagree. There are enough haters hating on each other – let’s not add to the count.

1 comment:

  1. Proud of you! lol I have my own "work on Mandy" list too! :)
